Great News! We have an excellent way to serve you better and provide a great long-term answer to your continued health improvement.
Our very own Thomas Johnson will now be offering personal fitness training here at Russ PT during our non-business hours. You’ll enjoy the privacy of your own gym and be able to work with one of the best guys in the business.
Excellent candidates for this are…
- People who require a safe exercise environment.
- People who appreciate extra accountability in exercise.
- Athletes/active people who want injury prevention (i.e., a pitcher who’s concerned with overuse of the shoulder or elbow, or a gardener who needs strong legs to stand back up after kneeling).
- Anyone who would prefer a one-on-one setting with trained professionals.
This is a great opportunity that provides long-term answers to those that want continued help after they’ve finished their therapy as well as excellent care for those that want to prevent injuries.
We look forward to serving you in this way!
Call Thomas at 479.685.1601 to inquire about scheduling and pricing.